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7 Signs a Deceased Loved One is Trying to Contact You

Death is just a doorway to another realm. No matter how painful it seems, once you’re out there, you meet a whole new world.

A world that is always in touch with our world.



This is the time to know when spirits of those we love and/or are related to us are trying to contact us. Here I will reveal to you signs, when a deceased loved one tries to contact you.

1. Dreams

One of the most common ways a deceased loved one tries to contact us is through our dreams. When we dream, we are connected to our magical powers and senses. Therefore, we can easily ‘sense’ them and interact with them.

2. Bulbs and flickering candles

Another common example of contact with spirit is watching flickering light sources. When a deceased loved one is nearby – or frankly any other spirit – the energy field of that spirit intersects with the energy around us. The light is one of the purest forms of light and is easily influenced by the winds.

3. Electronic equipment that operates without guidance

A ghost with a strong energy field can easily interact with electronic devices and influence their behavior. It’s amazing how they can affect the electronic devices as if they have a will of their own.

4. watches stop/freeze

Sounds crazy but.. watches – regular or electronic – stop/freeze. And it becomes all the more strange when there are many who report clocks that froze at the time of the passing of the deceased loved one. There are reports of clocks freezing on a certain date such as a deceased loved one’s birthday.


5. Black feather

There is a superstition that says that if you happen to find a black feather, it is a cosmic sign that a loved one close to you has died. In other words, it’s a sign that you’re not alone.

6. Temperature change

The energy fields of the winds can create a change in temperature in the area they are in. It is very common to feel a cool breeze when a ghost is near. Also, you may feel that the temperature has dropped in an instant due to the presence of wind.

7. Butterflies and dragonflies

are considered common signs when a close loved one dies. Both animals are related to fairies and also to the spirit world. If you happen to see butterflies or dragonflies quite often, then a spirit close to you is asking for your attention.


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