From fantasy to reality – your way to get everything you want and especially everyone you want!

What Are His True Intentions Towards Me?


You want to know exactly what his intentions are towards you.
Whether it’s the beginning of a relationship or a prolonged connection, uncertainty lingers in the air, and you feel that something is happening.
You demand clarification and seek to know exactly what is going on.
You need to know if he is sincere with you.

The service is suitable not only for romantic relationships but also for relationships in general. If you have doubts about the intentions of a friend, coworker, or family member, my service can help you understand reality and provide a clear picture of their intentions and willingness towards you. This is an opportunity to see what truly motivates the people around you. Additionally, the service can be used in the following cases,


  • For those at the beginning of a relationship who want to know how their partner truly feels.
  • For those in a long-term relationship feeling a change in the partner’s intentions or commitment.
  • For anyone experiencing insecurity and seeking a clear and precise picture of their relationship status.
  • For those who are hesitant to ask directly and want a discreet and professional response to their feelings.
  • For anyone experiencing frustration or confusion about their partner’s feelings and wants to know where things are headed.
  • Accuracy and Reliability – You will receive accurate and reliable answers about what is happening with the person you’re with, allowing you to truly understand their state and feelings towards you.
  • Calm and Confidence – The service will give you a sense of security and peace of mind, as you will know what is really going on behind the scenes and won’t have to rely on guesses and uncertainty.
  • Guidance for Action – With the information you receive, you will be able to make smart decisions regarding the continuation of the relationship and understand what actions to take.
  • Full Discretion – You can go through the entire process discreetly and receive private and professional answers without revealing your feelings to the other party.
  • Coping with Doubts – The service will help you deal with doubts and worries that prevent you from enjoying healthy and happy relationships and resolve any ambiguity that exists in the relationship.

Upon completing the purchase on the website, a dedicated order page will open, where you will find comprehensive instructions for providing the necessary details to begin working on your order.

I kindly ask that you attach a clear photo of your face. Additionally, if you wish to include specific individuals in the reading, I would appreciate receiving their photos as well.

The photos help create a connection and enhance the accuracy of the communication process.

It is essential to provide a photo in order to give you an accurate and personalized reading.

  • Without a picture I wouldn’t be able to perform the channeling.

I believe that the channeling service can provide you with important information and guidance.

By following the guidelines mentioned above, we can ensure a more meaningful and accurate reading tailored to your specific needs.

As soon as I receive your order confirmation and details, I will immediately begin working on the desired communication, and you will receive the response on the date you selected.

In the current service, I offer concise and focused answers without providing future visions or in-depth responses. Please note the following important information:


  • Short Answer Format

My channeling service is designed to provide you with short and direct answers to specific questions or concerns. I strive to offer clarity and insight within a limited scope.

  • No Future Predictions

Please note that my channeling readings do not include future predictions. Instead, I focus on providing guidance and understanding in the present moment.

  • Future Predictions

This service is intended for short-term insights.

Under the current service, you can gain insight into a single pressing question Regarding the future, which can be helpful for immediate decision-making.

However, if you’re looking for a comprehensive analysis, it would be beneficial to use the Future Snapshot Channeling.

  • No Follow-up Questions

Due to the nature of the short channeling service, follow-up questions cannot be asked after receiving the initial answer. The response you receive will be final and complete within the limits of the short answer format.

  • Opinion-Based Answers

Please note that the answers you receive during the reading are based on my intuitive insights, opinions, and messages. While I strive to offer accurate and helpful information, it is important to remember that the messages are not guaranteed to be 100% accurate. It is always recommended to use your judgment and discernment after receiving the guidance provided.

All shared information is handled with utmost discretion and is transmitted to me directly for personal attention and care. Your privacy and confidentiality are paramount throughout the magical journey we embark on together. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out at any time. I am always here to support you in any way.

I’m here to provide you with insights and personal guidance in a discreet and confidential manner.

  • Confidentiality

I assure you that all information shared during the reading will be kept in strict confidence. Your privacy is my top priority, and I promise to handle your personal details with the utmost respect and discretion.

  • Question Limitation

To give each reading the proper attention it deserves, I request that you limit your questions to a maximum of two topics. This allows us to focus on specific areas and provide detailed, insightful answers that effectively address your concerns.

  • Written Channeling

The channeling will only be in writing. All the information and messages you receive will be conveyed in a clear, written format. This written format allows you to revisit the messages at any time, gain a deeper understanding, and review the information conveniently.

  • Safety in Channeling

It is important to clarify that the process of channeling poses no danger to you or your loved ones. In the service I offer, I do not communicate with deceased individuals, nor do I provide insights on topics related to death.

  • Answers Based on Opinions

The answers you receive are based on my intuitive messages, insights, and opinions. While I strive to provide accurate and helpful information, it’s important to remember that the messages are not guaranteed to be 100% accurate. It is always advisable to use your own judgment and discernment after receiving the guidance.


If you have any further questions or concerns, I am here to support you throughout the entire process.

How curious are you to know the answer?



said this channelling helped them understand many things about their partner


said this channelling helped them end relationships at the right time


said this channelling helped them understand who was real with them and who was not


said they felt more secure thanks to the channelling tools


said they felt more confident in ending relationships

Your Recommendations



מה הכוונות האמיתיות שלו כלפיי?

חיים שלי את!!! תודה עלייך דקלה באמת ואני חייבת לציין משהו אני תמיד הבנתייי!! אבל שראיתי אותך באה לקראתי בדברים אחרים שהם הרבה יותר קריטים מבחינת העבודה והסדר שלך.. אז באמת היה לי חשוב להביע תודה והערכה גם כלפייך מעבר לזה שאת שם תמיד תמיד בשבילי כמעט בכל דקה ושנייה חחחח אז תודה ענקית !! ואוהבת אותך המון המון ❤️ זה בהחלט עשה לי טוב ונותן לי כח להיות חזקה עוד ועוד עד שהוא יפנה !!! See Translation

You are my life!!! Thank you Dekla really and I have to mention something I always understood!! But when I saw you coming towards me in other things that are much more critical in terms of your work and order... so it was really important for me to express my gratitude and appreciation towards you as well Beyond the fact that you are always always there for me almost every minute and second hahaha So thank you so much!! And I love you so much ❤️ It definitely did me good and gives me strength to be stronger and stronger until he turns away!!!

מה הכוונות האמיתיות שלו כלפיי?

איזה כיף שיש אותך !!!💙👑 See Translation

What a pleasure to have you!!!💙👑

מה הכוונות האמיתיות שלו כלפיי?

מעולה חיים שלי תודה תודה תודה על המענה המהיר !🙏 See Translation

My life is excellent, thank you, thank you, thank you for the quick reply!🙏

מה הכוונות האמיתיות שלו כלפיי?

דקלה מה נשמע?♥️ אני חייבת לספר לך שאת פשוט מטורפת באמת… בנוגע לתקשור, קלעת אחד לאחד…אם כמה שרציתי להאמין שזה לא נכון ואין עוד מישהי בסיפור. הוא הרגע אמר לי שיש מישהי שהוא ממש שם עליה עין ועוד אם אני יכולה לעזור לו להשיג אותה😠 קיצר כמו שאמרת מה שהוא רוצה נטו לשחק משחקים ולשחק בי! הייתי חייבת לספר לך כמה שקלעת בול ואיך שדייקת בתקשור בצורה מפחידה ♥️🙏 See Translation

Dekla, what does it sound like?♥️ I have to tell you that you are just really crazy... Regarding the communication, you scored one for one... as much as I wanted to believe that it is not true and there is no one else in the story. He just told me that there is someone he really has his eye on and more if I can help him get her😠 In short, as you said, what he wants is to play games and play with me! I had to tell you how much you scored and how accurate you were in communication in a scary way ♥️🙏

מה הכוונות האמיתיות שלו כלפיי?


תודה אהובתייי הרגעת אותי ואני אוהבת אותך ❤️ See Translation

Thank you my love you calmed me down and I love you ❤️

מה הכוונות האמיתיות שלו כלפיי?


תודה אהובה כל כך מעריכה את הכנות שלך ♥️ See Translation

Thank you my love so appreciate your honesty ♥️

מה הכוונות האמיתיות שלו כלפיי?

את תמיד עוזרת לי דקלה גם כשאת רק מדברת איתי את עוזרת לי את לא מבינה איך את חשובה לי 🤍 See Translation

You always help me Dekla Even when you just talk to me, you help me You don't understand how important you are to me 🤍

מה הכוונות האמיתיות שלו כלפיי?

תודה אהובה על המהירות❤️❤️

מה הכוונות האמיתיות שלו כלפיי?

זה מעולההה ואיי דיקלה איזו מהירה גם בחול תודה רבה על התקשור המהררר ❤️❤️ See Translation

It's excellent and Ay Dikla is so fast even in the sand, thank you very much for the wonderful channeling ❤️❤️

מה הכוונות האמיתיות שלו כלפיי?

תודה רבה רבה נשמה אחת מודה על זה שאלוהים נתן לי להכיר אותך. איזה תשובות מדוייקות את נותנת אין דברים כאלה. קצר ולעניין הכי חשוב אמיתי את לא מנסה ליפייף פה ושם איזה כיף לשמע אותך. See Translation

Thank you very much, one soul is grateful for the fact that God let me know you. What exact answers do you give, there are no such things. Short and the most important thing is real, you don't try to be nice here and there, what a pleasure to hear you.

מה הכוונות האמיתיות שלו כלפיי?

דיקלה חיים שלי הייתי במצב שהייתי חייבת תשובות ואת נתת הכי מדויקות שיש. תודה לך זכיתי שהכרתי אותך את המושיעה של כולם!

מה הכוונות האמיתיות שלו כלפיי?

דיקלה היקרה מלווה אותי מספר שנים ובכל פעם מחדש מדייקת בצורה מופלאה, אני לא פונה לכל המתקשרות למינהן,רק לדקלה כי אני יודעת שאקבל את המידע הכי נכון שעוזר לי לכוון את המהלכים, מעבר למקצועיות האדירה מדובר על אישה נעימה,היחס האישי והסבלנות...פשוט קסם ! כמו השירות שלה כך גם היא קסם אחד גדול ומיוחד ! איזה כיף שקיימות פיות בעולם הזה ✨💖💫 See Translation

Dear Dikala has accompanied me for several years and every time she is wonderfully accurate, I don't turn to all callers, only to Dikala because I know that I will get the most correct information that helps me direct my moves, beyond the tremendous professionalism she is a pleasant woman, the personal attitude and the patience... Just magic! Like her service, she is also one big and special charm! How fun that there are fairies in this world ✨💖💫

מה הכוונות האמיתיות שלו כלפיי?

אהובת ליבייי אמנם עברו ימים.. ואמרת לי סבלנות סבלנות אבל אניי אין לי סבלנות חח ואם כמה שקירצצתי לך ושיגעתי אותך סוף סוף דברים מתחילים לזוז , מקווה שבסוף התוצאה תהיה מה שאנחנו מיחלות מתחילת הדרך.. גם בתוך התהליך שלנו שהרסתי כמה וכמה פעמים עם ההתנהלות השגויה והלא נכונה שלי, הוא עדיין בא עם רצון לדבר ולהיפגש.. ובעזה שגם נחזור אין לי ספק כי איתך הכל קורה! זה רק עניין של זמן כי הסיפור שלנו מורכב. וכמובן תודה ענקיתתתתת ששום מילה לא יכולה באמת להסביר את כמות ההערכה שלי אלייך ועל השאלות הקצרות שבתוך דקות אני מקבלת תשובות גם שאת אומרת לי עד מחר אחרי שעה כבר יש לי הודעות לרוב משמחות ממך😂 אז שוב תודה עלייך ופה איתך לנצח נצחים אוהבת ומעריכה עד השמיים❤️🙏🏻 See Translation

Loved Libby Although days have passed.. and you told me to be patient, be patient But I have no patience haha And if I winked at you and drove you crazy Finally things are starting to move, I hope that in the end the result will be what we have been hoping for from the beginning.. Even in the midst of our process, which I destroyed several times with my wrong and incorrect conduct, he still comes with a desire to talk and meet... and in Gaza we will also return I have no doubt Because with you everything happens! It's only a matter of time Because our story is complex. And of course, thank you very much No words can truly explain the amount of appreciation I have for you and the short questions that within minutes I get answers Even if you tell me until tomorrow After an hour I already have mostly happy messages from you😂 So thank you again And here with you forever and ever Love and appreciate to the sky ❤️🙏🏻

מה הכוונות האמיתיות שלו כלפיי?

התמכרות שיא See Translation

peak addiction

מה הכוונות האמיתיות שלו כלפיי?

מדהימה שלי את הכי מהממת בעולם. אין כמוך באמת תמיד מכוונת ועוזרת מכל הלב תמיד! אז תודה על זה!

מה הכוונות האמיתיות שלו כלפיי?

אין כמוך תודה שאת תמיד עוזרת ומדויקת

מה הכוונות האמיתיות שלו כלפיי?

רק מלשמוע אותך אני נרגעת תדעי שאת היחידה שבגללה אני עוד שפויה באמת, עם כל הקושי את עוזרת לי מאודד See Translation

Just hearing you calms me down Know that you are the only one because of which I am still really sane, despite all the difficulty you help me a lot

מה הכוונות האמיתיות שלו כלפיי?

תודה רבה על התשובה אין עליך כמו שאני תמיד אומרת, את אחת ויחידה! נשמה נדירה!!1 See Translation

Thank you very much for the answer, you are not responsible as I always say, you are one and only! A rare soul!!1

מה הכוונות האמיתיות שלו כלפיי?

אמאל'ה!!!!!!! צרחות את אמרת משהו שהוא אומר מה זה דיקלה את בפנים בתוך התאי מח שלו ! 😂 See Translation

mummy!!!!!!! screams You said something he says what is dikla You are inside his brain cells! 😂

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Questions and Answers

Channeling is the ability to communicate with spiritual entities, spirit guides, or higher souls in different dimensions beyond our physical world. It is an energetic process that allows receiving messages and insights from spiritual sources that can lead to a deeper understanding of life, help in decision-making, and provide mental and spiritual support. Channeling involves opening one’s consciousness and connecting to higher energies, requiring high sensitivity, concentration, and patience. This process can provide profound insights, solutions to questions, and a sense of clarity.
Yes, anyone can learn to channel, but it requires practice and proper guidance. Like any talent, everyone has the potential, but the degree to which one succeeds depends on personal awareness, determination, and the desire to connect to the spiritual world. Some individuals may feel strong channeling abilities from a young age, while others develop them over time through studies and professional guidance.
Channeling and fortune-telling can be performed using different tools and people, but there is a significant difference between them. Fortune-telling focuses on predicting future events and answering the question “What will happen?” while channeling focuses on receiving guidance and insights from spiritual sources to improve the present and work on spiritual and personal development. Channeling is guided by the intention to provide you with tools and understandings to enhance your life in balance and emotion.

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