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3 DIY Ways to Remove Negativity From Your Life

Negativity is a giant gravitational pull that brings you down even in your happiest moments. It makes you feel inadequate and pushes you into the depths of sadness, self-doubt and bad vibes. However, you need not live this way.


We must do everything possible to keep negative energies at bay as they can be detrimental to our sense of well-being and prevent us from climbing the ladder of success and prosperity. Removing negative energies from your life is quite easy and requires determination.



The first step for all these is common — acknowledging the negativity in your life. Unless you accept that you’re surrounded by negativity, you’ll never be able to find its source and fight against it. Therefore, acknowledge and accept that there are certain negative elements in your life that need to be dealt with for a happier present and future.


Here are 3 easy ways to remove negativity from your life:

1. Sage your home

Your home is a space that should feel relaxing and welcoming. For this, it’s important that you eliminate negative energy from this place. Burning sage releases negative ions which are known to put people in a positive mood. It’s why some communities sage a space they move into for the first time — like a new house. This cleansing ritual promotes healing and wisdom by reviving your spiritual energy.



2. Spray rosewater in the house

A lot of healers use rosewater to remove bad energies. Rosewater refreshes you, making you feel positive and energetic. It is supposed to have spiritual powers that repel negative energies that might be weighing you down. Spray some around the house and yours;f to keep negative energies at bay. Plus, it leaves you smelling like a bed of fresh roses!



3. Make salt your best friend

Sometimes, negativity stems from within us instead of external sources. Keep a rock salt crystal in the house or near your workstation to dispel mood swings and internal imbalances. A lot of celebrities keep rock salt in their living room or near the entrance to keep negative energies at bay.



Sea Salt or regular iodized salt can also keep negativity away. Drop a pinch of salt into a bowl of water and wipe your workstation with it. You can even salt your entryways or keep bowls of salt around the house to cleanse negative vibes.


These simple steps don’t need any major planning or expensive ingredients. Hope it helps you in creating a happier and positive aura!

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