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Diary of a Spell Caster – Finding Happiness

My profession allows me to get an unfiltered glimpse into people’s lives. There are some stories that have always stayed in my heart and this is one of them. It’s about losing hope, finding love — even if it’s not perfect.


The world may be abuzz with Pride month and LGBTQIA rights, but the society has a long road to travel when it comes to treating people from the queer comminuty with equality and respect. I once had a transgender client and her story has stayed with me over time.


This person was born as a biological male and once they realized how they truly felt about their gender, began a transition process to become a female. However, her transition wasn’t complete, so she had male genitalia along with breasts. Now you might be wondering, why am I detailing such intimate details about her?

There is a reason, so stay with me.



She worked as a prostitute and had been doing so since the ge of 16. On probing why she chose this profession, she said that sex change surgeries were quite expensive and one required a steady source of income to go through the process. This propelled many trans people into prostitution as conventional job markets are not very receptive and kind to them. On the other hand, sex workers with both, male and female organs were in high demand, so she got paid well with excellent health benefits.


It’s a sad state of affairs for the trans community, especially when it comes to finding love.



Those who visit prostitutes are there only for sex and not to build an emotional connection. Now, tell me, which human does not want an emotional connection? While cisgendered people have the freedom to look for love and have fruitful relationships, trans people seldom have that luxury and mostly meet men when they meet them via prostitution.


These men treated women like my client without affection. A lot of them were straight men with deviant fetishes that their own partners wouldn’t accommodate, so they would fulfil their fantasies with prostitutes. My trans client also fell for a man who didn’t reciprocate her feelings or treat her well.


She wanted love. Badly.


This is a person who has nobody to call her own. Her family doesn’t speak to her. She’s unable to bear children and be the “ideal wife” most men look for to bear children. How does a person like that find a love that makes them feel whole?



With hope in her heart, she came to me for help in making this man fall for her and love her as much as she did. I cast an obsession spell that brought them together, but after a while she saw the incompatibilities they had and broke up with him.


Here’s the twist in the story. She still wanted him back. Why?


She said, “No one will love and accept me because I can’t bring children to the world, so I’ll be with him. At least he wants to be with me.”


Love is the greatest power in the world and her faith in, and need for love is a reminder for all of us to believe that we all deserve a love that consumes us and makes us happy. I sincerely hope she’s happy now!

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