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Diary of a Spell Caster – Love’s a Gamble

Love makes us do the strangest things. It brings a spring in our step, joy in our hearts and makes us take a leap of faith without thinking twice. Sometimes, we’re rewarded for our faith with a happily ever after and sometimes, we’re not.

After all, love is a gamble. You just can’t predict what will come next.



Through one of my clients, I got a close look at the effects of love’s gamble. I must say, it wasn’t pretty.

A woman once came to me for a psychic reading. Her tale was as old as time — girl and boy fall in love but have familial ties they can’t break free from. The only twist was that they were both married and had their own families.

The women met him at work and they both became good friends, which slowly blossomed into an affair. They would meet regularly at their fixed spot for a romantic rendezvous and enjoyed every moment they spent in each other’s company. However, this was no fleeting affair. She was struck by cupid’s arrow so hard that she wanted to leave her family to be with him.


She came to me for a psychic reading and wanted a glimpse of what her future would look like if she went ahead and took this big step. The man also said he was ready to leave his family for her. They had grand plans of building a life full of love and laughter — something they both yearned for.



I advised her not to leave her family because the psychic reading revealed an ugly truth — her beau wouldn’t hold up his promise of leaving his family for her. However, she firmly believed in her lover’s promise and had faith in him to not desert her like this.

Alas, it was my word against the word of love. And love won.


She decided to go ahead with her original plan. She left her family and waited to meet him at their usual spot with hope in her heart. It was a big step after all. What would people say? How would her husband and kids feel? Would she forever be tainted as a cheater and home-breaker?


For her, none of it mattered because once she found solace in her lover’s arms, all the other voices would fade away. It would be them against the world and everything would be all right.


As she waited for him to meet her at their usual spot, her head was buzzing with these thoughts. Finally he showed up, but his face did not reflect the happiness in her heart. Something was wrong.


With a sad face and heavy heart, he told her that he couldn’t bring himself to leave his family. He walked away, crushing her heart and soul, but most horrendously, breaking her trust.

It’s one of those stories that stays etched in my mind as a reminder of the power of love. It can truly make or break you.

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