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Diary of a Spell Caster – The Woman Who Fought The Universe For Her Love

I’ve heard this adage all too often — if you love someone, let them go. If it’s meant to be, they’ll come back to you. In fact, I don’t really disagree with it. If you think someone’s not good enough for you, letting go can be hard, but the right thing to do.


However, every once in a while, I come across someone who makes me believe that fighting for your love is also the hard, but right thing to do.



One of my old clients was a woman who fell in love with a man that, in my opinion, wasn’t good enough for her. She wanted a serious relationship with him, but also knew of his playboy lifestyle. He was a walking-talking red flag, yet she couldn’t get him out of her heart.


Eventually, she made it her life’s mission to turn him into husband material — the kind of man she wanted him to be. Honestly, it was tough to watch.




At the very outset of their relationship, he said he wasn’t interested in a serious relationship. However, she always saw a future with him as her husband. The closer she wanted to come to him, the more he pushed her away. The more she opened up to him, the more he shut her out. It was an agonizing cat and mouse chase that was equal parts heartbreaking and fascinating.


She came to me to cast spells on him because she just wanted to make him stay. It worked most of the time, but it was hard to separate him from his philandering ways. He was like a butterfly, fluttering from one woman to the other, unaware of the hearts he broke along the way.




Though many told her to give up on him, she was persistent. She believed in her love and fought the whole world to just be with him. Eventually, her persistence paid off.


Due to her persistence, love and the spells, he gradually transformed into the husband material she always wanted him to be. They got married and started a family. Today, they have three kids and the love of her life is finally a faithful man, a loving father and a good husband.


The woman proved that if you set your heart on something, nothing can stop you. Not even the universe.

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