From fantasy to reality – your way to get everything you want and especially everyone you want!

Night Star Amulet


Unlike bold, ostentatious jewelry, the Night Star Amulet is crafted for the woman who knows that true influence doesn’t need to be shouted from the rooftops.

The necklace’s understated design allows you to make a statement without saying a word. Whether you’re at a business meeting, a casual brunch, or a romantic evening under the stars, you’ll feel a heightened sense of confidence and grace.

The black stones are not just beautiful; they carry a potent influence, subtly impacting those around you. By the light of the moon, their power is amplified, offering an extra boost of confidence and charisma.

Size and Fit

  • 24K gold-plated necklace
  • Necklace length – 32 cm
  • Stone size – 1.5 cm long by 1.5 cm wide

Moon jewelry is suitable for anyone looking to turn their dreams into reality.

  • Anyone with a goal they wish to achieve and who is seeking the magic that will bring them what they want quickly and easily – it’s time to take action! Don’t let empty words hold you back. You are capable of achieving anything you desire!
  • Women looking to influence in the romantic field if you want someone to be attracted to you, love you, and want to be near you, simply wear the jewelry when you’re in their presence. The jewelry’s mysterious energy will cause them to be drawn to you.
  • Women wanting to make a personal change Moon Jewelry can be a great tool for boosting self-confidence and enhancing overall well-being, especially for women seeking significant life changes, to earn more money, succeed in relationships, or simply have more positive energy.
  • Business promotion: Do you have a business meeting, job interview, or want to impress your boss? The energy of the jewelry you choose can change the game. It’s time to take control – your jewelry can influence anyone you desire.
  • Lovers of calm and spirituality For women connecting with their spiritual power, who understand that calmness is not just a goal but a way of life. Release stress and anxiety, and connect with your higher self. Discover the inner power waiting for you — it’s your time to uncover the peace and strength within you.
  • Men who want influence in the romantic field If you want someone to emotionally connect with you and feel a strong attraction, gift her a piece of jewelry that she will wear. This is not just any piece of jewelry; it’s your way to influence her feelings and strengthen the attraction between you.
  • If you want to give a unique gift that will leave a lasting impression and fill the recipient’s heart with joy, you’ve come to the right place. Who wouldn’t want to fulfill all their goals? Even the skeptics among us are tempted by a gift that can change the rules.
  • Achieving personal goals The charging process of the jewelry helps you define and achieve your deepest goals.
  • Unique design Each piece is created with love using high-quality materials, so not only will you achieve what you desire, but you’ll also steal the show.
  • Connection to positive energies Each piece carries positive energies, which can contribute to an improved mood and strengthen feelings of calm and protection from those who wish to harm you.
  • Tool for influencing others The jewelry serves as a personal talisman, allowing you to influence your environment and a specific person of your choosing.
  • Simple and beneficial charging process The charging process of the jewelry is easy and quick, enabling you to start experiencing the amazing benefits of the jewelry soon after purchase.

Easy Steps to Get Started

  • Write Your Wish On a piece of blank white paper, write your name and your personal wish.
  • Place the Charm and Paper Together Ensure the charm is in contact with the paper containing your wish.
  • Moonlight Exposure Leave the charm and paper in a place bathed in direct moonlight, such as a windowsill or balcony, for two full nights. If there’s no moonlight, just keep them in total darkness.
  • Ready for Action After two nights, your charm will be ready to help you reach your goal. Wear it whenever you need a little extra support or guidance towards your aspiration.
  • Preserve Its Power After each use, store the amulet in darkness to maintain its magical properties.
  • Illustrative Images: Every piece of jewelry is lovingly handcrafted, thus the images on the website are for illustration purposes only. The actual product may vary, including the size of the stones, as they are natural and each has a unique shape, just as every soul is special in its own way.
  • Success Rate: It is important to understand that there is no 100% guarantee that the jewelry will fulfill your wish, and therefore no refunds will be given in such cases. However, most people report positive results and the fulfillment of their desires with the help of the jewelry.
  • Personal Jewelry: Each piece of jewelry is personal and should not be transferred from person to person, as it connects to the unique energies and requests of the individual wearing it.
  • Preservation of the Jewelry: The jewelry should be kept in the dark when not in use, and exposure to sweat, perfume, water, and anything else that could damage its delicate energy should be avoided.
  • Inherent Energy: Each piece of jewelry comes with built-in energy of protection, self-confidence, and self-love. Additionally, it can be activated for a specific purpose, as explained in the execution steps.
  • Proper Use: To ensure the maximum effect of the jewelry, the above-mentioned steps should be carefully followed. Proper use will allow the jewelry to achieve its purpose in the best possible way.
  • Warranty: The jewelry is delivered in the highest quality according to the specified conditions. In case of a product defect upon receipt, please contact us within 7 days of receiving the shipment so we can address the matter effectively.
  • Customer Information: All personal information provided during the order is kept strictly confidential and is only used to complete the order.
  • Cancellation Policy: Cancellation of the transaction is possible until the stage of production and actual shipping. In such a case, a full refund will be given minus handling, registration, and cancellation fees which can amount to up to 55$. Once the production of the jewelry has begun, no financial refund will be provided and the transaction cannot be canceled.



shared that the sense of uniqueness and luxury that the amulet provides is noticeable and felt with each wear


shared that the amulet perfectly matched every social or professional situation and every type of clothing


shared that they experienced a significant mental improvement


shared that the amulet draws attention and admiration from those around them, without saying a word


shared that the jewelry helped them achieve what they desired

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Availability: 5 in stock

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קמע כוכב לילי

את אמרת לי שצריך לענוד את השרשרת בשביל לקבל הלוואה ואני אומרת לך שזה לא נכון. לקחתי פתק רשמתי הלוואה מהבנק ונתתי לשרשרת להיות יומיים סגורה בארון בחושך. יש לי בנקאית מאוד קשה שלא אישרה לי הלוואות בכלל כבר כמה שנים טובות, כל פעם אני נותנת לה דוחות והיא לא בוטחת בי. שתביני שהיא העבירה את זה לבנק ישראל. אתמול היא התקשרה אליי שמתי את השרשרת כפרה והיא אומרת לי בנק ישראל אישר לך הלוואה. קיבלתי סחרחורת כפרה לא האמנתי למשמע אוזניי. השרשרת הזו מעללפתתת מעלפפתתת. רק דבר אחד כמה שאני אוהבת את השרשרת הזאת אני לא יכולה לענוד אותה יותר מעשר דקות כי היא עושה לי סחרחורות. אחרי עשר דקות יש לי סטלות של החיים. אבל לפעמים זה גם טוב כי בלילה אם אני לא מצליחה להחזיק את עצמי אני שמה אותה והיא מעירה אותי. יש לה תוצאות מהממות. See Translation

You told me that you have to wear the necklace to get a loan and I tell you that is not true. I took a note, registered a loan from the bank and let the chain be closed in a closet in the dark for two days. I have a very difficult banker who has not approved any loans for me for several years, every time I give her reports and she does not trust me. Understand that she transferred it to the Bank of Israel. Yesterday she called me and I put the necklace as a ransom and she tells me that the Bank of Israel has approved a loan for you. I got excruciating dizziness, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. This chain is wobbly wobbly. Just one thing, as much as I love this necklace, I can't wear it for more than ten minutes because it makes me dizzy. After ten minutes I have stelae of life. But sometimes it's also good because at night if I can't hold myself I put her on and she wakes me up. She has amazing results.

קמע כוכב לילי

השרשרת באמת מושכת!😍 See Translation

The necklace is really attractive!😍

קמע כוכב לילי

אמאלה זה מושלםםם See Translation

Mom, it's perfect

קמע כוכב לילי

טוב אז אכן מצאתי עם השרשרת תשובות לכן ולא. שאלתי אם אני פרח בת אסתר עומדת מול השרשרת. השרשת זזה קדימה אחורה. שאלתי האם xxx רוצה ליצור קשר עם xxx השרשרת עצרה! ואז זזה ימינה שמאלה. חחחחחחחחחחחחחחי את לא מבינה כמה זה כייף. השרשרת חזקה. אני ביקשתי לעלות את השמחה בלב שלי, את התקווה ואנרגיה. וזה עוזר הימים האחרונים. עכשיו אבקש להיות מחוזרת יותר.. קיצר אני עפה על זהההה מתי העגילים חוזרים למלאי? See Translation

Well then I did find answers to that and no with the chain. I asked if I was Farah Bat Esther standing in front of the chain. The root moves back and forth. I asked if xxx wanted to contact xxx The chain stopped! Then move right to left. Hahahahahahahahahaha You don't understand how much fun it is. The chain is strong. I asked to raise the joy in my heart, the hope and energy. And it helps the last few days. Now I would like to be more sophisticated.. In short, I'm on the same page when do the earrings come back in stock?

קמע כוכב לילי

המלצה על השרשרת כי אני חייבת. תכשיט שפשוט עושה טוב לנשמה. כמות המחמאות! ואוו. ובכללי מרגישה חזקה איתה 😊 See Translation

Recommendation for the necklace because I have to. A piece of jewelry that is simply good for the soul. The amount of compliments! Wow. And in general I feel strong with her 😊

קמע כוכב לילי

תגידי.... זה עושה סחרחורת קלה? את לא מבינה איך אני עפה על זה. See Translation

Tell me... does it make you slightly dizzy? You don't understand how I fly on it.

קמע כוכב לילי

וואי דיקלה היא ממש ממש יפה ממש ואיזה מהירות וואי חבל על הזמן See Translation

Wow Dikla is really really beautiful and what a speed wow what a waste of time

קמע כוכב לילי

דיקלהההה קיבלתי את השרשרת איזווו מהירותתת תודה🥰🥰🥰 היא מהממתתתת See Translation

Diklhahaha I received the necklace so fast thank you She is stunning

קמע כוכב לילי

אמאל\'ה איזה שלמותתתתת מתרגשת ברמות ואיזה משלוח מהיר! See Translation

Mother, what perfection you are Very excited And what a fast delivery!

קמע כוכב לילי

תכשיט פשוט מהמם. עיצוב ממש יוקרתי See Translation

A simply stunning piece of jewelry. Really luxurious design

קמע כוכב לילי

דקלה השרשרת מושלמת!! ובשילוב העגלים השחורים, זה ממש סט מושלם! נותן תחושה עצומה של ביטחון שלא משתווה לשום הרגשה אחרת ❤️ See Translation

The necklace is perfect!! And in combination with the black calves, it's really a perfect set! Gives a huge feeling of security that is unmatched by any other feeling ❤️

קמע כוכב לילי

ברור השרשראות ואוו איזה כיףףףף מתרגשת תודה אהובה🥰🥰🥰 See Translation

Of course, the necklaces and oh what fun, I'm excited, thank you, my love

קמע כוכב לילי

השרשרת ❤️❤️ See Translation

The necklace ❤️❤️

קמע כוכב לילי

טוב תקשיבי אני לא יודעת מה עשית לשרשרת המהממת הזאת אבל תקשיבי הוא עף עליי ברמה מלחיצה ממש, כאילו דייט ראשון אומר לי את אישה לכל החיים הלוואי שתסכימי להזדקן איתי אני כבר מאוהב בך🫣 מהההה?? פגישה ראשונה אמהלה נלחצתי ממש ואמרתי לו סבבה אתקשר אליך, ומאז מפחדת להתקשר שלא יציע לי נישואין😜 מלחיץ הבחור. בקיצור קסם בחיי שרשרת קוסמת זה מה שהיא ואת, יש עוד דייטים על הפרק ועכשיו אני אעשה סינונים 🤣🤣 See Translation

Well, listen, I don't know what you did to this stunning necklace, but listen, it flies on me on a really stressful level, like a first date tells me you're a woman for life, I wish you'd agree to grow old with me, I'm already in love with you🫣 What the hehe?? First meeting Amhala I was really stressed and I told him it's okay I'll call you, and since then I've been afraid to call lest he propose to me 😜 the guy stresses. In short, magic in my life, a magical chain is what it is and you, there are more dates on the agenda and now I will do filters 🤣🤣

קמע כוכב לילי

חיימי את שומעת שמתי את השרשרת יומיים בארון ביקשתי פרנסה ועכשיו ענדתי אותה כמו שהיה לי בהתחלה אני לא יכולה לשים אותה על הצוואר יותר מכמה דקות 5 6 דקות. נהיה לי כמו סחרחורות. משהו באנרגיה שלה הוא חזק ואני מרגישה את החוזק של זה, זה משהו לא נורמלי. עכשיו תקשיבי מה עשיתי אמרתי אני לא יוריד אותה ואני אנסה להתרגל לאנרגיה שלה. אין ספק שיש בשרשרת הזו משהו! אין ספק שזה לא שרשרת רגילה! אין ספק שזו שרשרת מלוחששת אני מרגישה את העוצמות שלה. אני לא צוחקת אני מדברת בשיא הרצינות. אולי זה לא כמו לחש באותו עוצמה אבל אני מרגישה שיש פה משהו. זה לא עוד שרשרת שאני שמה על הצוואר והכל רגיל והכל קליל. מרגישים פה שאני שמה על הצוואר שלי משהו שיש לזה נוכחות. תשמעי את אלופת עולם מצדיעה לך אלופת עולם! באמת אלופת עולם. אני מדבררת בשיא הרצינות אני לא צוחקת איתך. אין ספק שאפו ממני כפרה אלופה! אלופפפה ! אני רוצה לפרגן! See Translation

Chaimi, can you hear me, I put the necklace in the closet for two days, I asked for a living and now I wore it the way I had it at first, I can't put it on my neck for more than a few minutes 5 6 minutes. I feel like dizzy. Something about her energy is strong and I feel the strength of it, it's something not normal. Now listen what I did I said I will not take her down and I will try to get used to her energy. There is definitely something in this chain! There is no doubt that this is no ordinary necklace! There is no doubt that this is a fearless chain, I can feel its strength. I'm not joking, I'm being serious. Maybe it's not like a spell with the same power but I feel there is something here. It's not another necklace that I put on my neck and everything is normal and everything is light. I feel here that I am putting something on my neck that has presence. Hear the world champion salute you world champion! Truly a world champion. I am speaking in all seriousness, I am not joking with you. There is no doubt that they have sought a champion's atonement from me! Alofappa! I want to praise!

קמע כוכב לילי

אמהלהההה צרחות מה זה הדבר היפה הסקסי והנדיר הזה😍 רק שתדעי שאני בדרך לדייט אעדכן אם הוא נפל שבי אחריי 😜 See Translation

Oh my gosh screams what is this beautiful, sexy and rare thing 😍 just so you know I'm on my way to a date I'll update if he falls for me after me 😜

קמע כוכב לילי

איזו שרשרת מהממת את לא מבינה איך היא יפה עליי כשענדתי אותה הרגשתי כמו סחרחורת אולי בגלל שאני פותחת בקלפים ואני מזהה אנרגיות אבל כשעונדים את השרשרת מרגישים את האנרגיה זו לא סתם עוד שרשרת. עכשיואמי לוקחת דף כפרה מכניסה לתוך הארון רושמת פרנסה מאמי. מאודדד אהבתי אותה See Translation

What a stunning necklace You don't understand how beautiful she is to me When I wore it I felt like dizziness maybe because I'm opening the cards and I recognize energies but when you wear the necklace you feel the energy it's not just another necklace. Now my mother takes an atonement sheet and puts it in the closet and records my mother's income. I really liked her

קמע כוכב לילי

תגידי לי מה זה השלמות הזאת? אמהלה\' איזו שרשרת נדירה וסקסית אני מחכה כבר לענוד אותה עם מחשוף😍 See Translation

Tell me what is this perfection? Amhala\' What a rare and sexy necklace, I can't wait to wear it with cleavage😍

קמע כוכב לילי

את אלופה אמאלה איזה דברים יפים את מייצרת. חוץ מכל הכוחות שיש לך את גם מייצרת דברים מהממים אין עליך. תודה כפרה עליך ומחר יש לי דייט ואני הולכת לשים את השרשרת בעז\"ה אחרי שבערב היא תבלה באור הירח See Translation

You are a champion Amala, what beautiful things you make. Besides all the powers you have, you also produce amazing things, you don't have to. Thank you for your forgiveness and tomorrow I have a date and I'm going to put the necklace in Gaza after she spends the evening in the moonlight

קמע כוכב לילי

Your bracelets are beyond all my expectations, I'm really happy to have you in my life

Thank you

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Sky Breeze Amulet


Questions and Answers

A Moon Jewel is a special talisman imbued with the energy of protection, confidence, and self-love. Additionally, it can help you fulfill a specific wish by exposing it to moonlight or keeping it in complete darkness, depending on your desired outcome. The process is fun and fascinating!
A Moon Jewel can help you in various ways – it can fulfill wishes, enhance your inner feelings, make you feel protected, and boost your self-love. Many people report receiving compliments and noticing positive changes in their lives just by wearing it.
Unlike amulets based on crystals, a Moon Jewel contains the energy of a spell, making it unique. Its energy can be amplified to suit your personal goal, making it more personalized and precise.

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