From fantasy to reality – your way to get everything you want and especially everyone you want!

Tracking The Spell


You have chosen a spell from the website and now you’re waiting for the results.
During this time, you want to know how the elements of the spell are affecting the person it was cast upon.
Is it working?
How is it impacting them?
For this, there is the tracking Channelling service.

The Channelling is suitable for people who use my spells in the following situations,


  • Love Return Spells – People who use obsession spells and want to know how it is affecting the target.
  • Separation Spells – People who use neutralization spells and are curious to know if the couple has already separated and how the spell is influencing this.
  • Revenge Spells – People who use revenge spells and want to understand the outcome.
  • Real-Time Feedback – The Channelling provides information on how the spell is affecting the person it was cast upon.
  • Enhanced Spell Accuracy – The Channelling gives feedback on the spell cast and shows if the impact is strong or less, so you know the next step.
  • Increased Confidence – Knowing how the spells work boosts your confidence.
  • Peace of Mind – The Channelling provides information on whether the spells are working as they should, giving you peace of mind.
  • Service – The Channelling answers any questions about a spell taken from the website.

Upon completing the purchase on the website, a dedicated order page will open, where you will find comprehensive instructions for providing the necessary details to begin working on your order.

I kindly ask that you attach a clear photo of your face. Additionally, if you wish to include specific individuals in the reading, I would appreciate receiving their photos as well.

The photos help create a connection and enhance the accuracy of the communication process.

It is essential to provide a photo in order to give you an accurate and personalized reading.

  • Without a picture I wouldn’t be able to perform the channeling.

I believe that the channeling service can provide you with important information and guidance.

By following the guidelines mentioned above, we can ensure a more meaningful and accurate reading tailored to your specific needs.

As soon as I receive your order confirmation and details, I will immediately begin working on the desired communication, and you will receive the response on the date you selected.

In the current service, I offer concise and focused answers without providing future visions or in-depth responses. Please note the following important information:


  • Short Answer Format

My channeling service is designed to provide you with short and direct answers to specific questions or concerns. I strive to offer clarity and insight within a limited scope.

  • No Future Predictions

Please note that my channeling readings do not include future predictions. Instead, I focus on providing guidance and understanding in the present moment.

  • Future Predictions

This service is intended for short-term insights.

Under the current service, you can gain insight into a single pressing question Regarding the future, which can be helpful for immediate decision-making.

However, if you’re looking for a comprehensive analysis, it would be beneficial to use the Future Snapshot Channeling.

  • No Follow-up Questions

Due to the nature of the short channeling service, follow-up questions cannot be asked after receiving the initial answer. The response you receive will be final and complete within the limits of the short answer format.

  • Opinion-Based Answers

Please note that the answers you receive during the reading are based on my intuitive insights, opinions, and messages. While I strive to offer accurate and helpful information, it is important to remember that the messages are not guaranteed to be 100% accurate. It is always recommended to use your judgment and discernment after receiving the guidance provided.

All shared information is handled with utmost discretion and is transmitted to me directly for personal attention and care. Your privacy and confidentiality are paramount throughout the magical journey we embark on together. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out at any time. I am always here to support you in any way.

I’m here to provide you with insights and personal guidance in a discreet and confidential manner.

  • Confidentiality

I assure you that all information shared during the reading will be kept in strict confidence. Your privacy is my top priority, and I promise to handle your personal details with the utmost respect and discretion.

  • Question Limitation

To give each reading the proper attention it deserves, I request that you limit your questions to a maximum of two topics. This allows us to focus on specific areas and provide detailed, insightful answers that effectively address your concerns.

  • Written Channeling

The channeling will only be in writing. All the information and messages you receive will be conveyed in a clear, written format. This written format allows you to revisit the messages at any time, gain a deeper understanding, and review the information conveniently.

  • Safety in Channeling

It is important to clarify that the process of channeling poses no danger to you or your loved ones. In the service I offer, I do not communicate with deceased individuals, nor do I provide insights on topics related to death.

  • Answers Based on Opinions

The answers you receive are based on my intuitive messages, insights, and opinions. While I strive to provide accurate and helpful information, it’s important to remember that the messages are not guaranteed to be 100% accurate. It is always advisable to use your own judgment and discernment after receiving the guidance.


If you have any further questions or concerns, I am here to support you throughout the entire process.

How curious are you to know the answer?



said this Channelling helps them better understand their situation


said they will use the Channelling again in the future


said this Channelling gives them a general understanding of the current status of that person


said this Channelling provides them comfort and a sense of security


said they recommend anyone using spells to take the tracking Channelling service

Your Recommendations



מעקב אחר הלחש

וואי וואי השם יברך אותך חיים שלי ❤️❤️❤️❤️ תודה על המענה המהיר כמו תמיד! אין עלייך בעולם ❤️ See Translation

Wow wow God bless you my life ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thanks for the quick reply as always! There is nothing about you in the world ❤️

מעקב אחר הלחש

תודה לך , על הסבלנות אין קץ שלך ...כמה אנרגיות צריך בשביל להתמודד עם כולנו😉 ובמיוחד על זה שאת לא מעוניינת רק למכור את השירות , את מאמינה בו ומכוונת מתי לחכות ולא להתקדם ללחש נוסף. אוהבת אותך ומעריכה🩷 See Translation

Thank you, for your endless much energy is needed to deal with all of us😉 And especially for the fact that you are not only interested in selling the service, you believe in it and decide when to wait and not to advance to another spell. Love you and appreciate 🩷

מעקב אחר הלחש

את משהו מיוחד כמו כדור הרגעה See Translation

You are something special like a tranquilizer

מעקב אחר הלחש

את שווה כל שקל See Translation

You are worth every penny

מעקב אחר הלחש

אני חולה עליךךךךךךךךך חולההההההה את אישה מטורפת וכוסית על See Translation

I'm sick of you sick hahahaha You are a crazy and crazy woman

מעקב אחר הלחש

את מלכה

ואני אוהב אותך והתחברתי אלייך את הכדור הרגעה שלי בעולם הזה כי אם לא את אני הייתי מתמוטט ממזמן !!!❤️👑 See Translation

And I love you and I connected with you my tranquilizer in this world because if it wasn't for you I would have collapsed a long time ago!!!❤️👑

מעקב אחר הלחש

וואוו אין כמוך

מעקב אחר הלחש

וואו דיקלה תודה תודה תודה עליך אוהבת אותך ונהיה בקשר בקרוב ותמיד

מעקב אחר הלחש

תודה על התקשור אין כמוךךךך

מעקב אחר הלחש


מעקב אחר הלחש

מפחיד כמה שזה היה מדויק אני יושב איתה והיא מספרת לי כמה שהיא כאבה וכמה שהיא ניסתה להתקדם ולא הצליחה ואני צריך לשחק אותה מופתע כאילו כל זה לא עלה בתקשור. See Translation

Scary how accurate it was I sit with her and she tells me how much she was in pain and how much she tried to move forward and failed and I have to play her surprised as if none of this came up in the communication.

מעקב אחר הלחש

תודה אהובה שלי על המהירות

מעקב אחר הלחש

תודה על המענה המדוייק כמו תמיד יפה שלי אין כמוך בעולם

מעקב אחר הלחש

אמאאא כפרה עלייך תודה עלייך איך עשית לי ככה מהר תודה עלייך

מעקב אחר הלחש

תודה את אלופה

מעקב אחר הלחש

אני רוצה להגיד לך שאת חדה ומדוייקת אני שוקלת עכשיו לקחת את התקשור עם הראייה לעתיד את אלופה

מעקב אחר הלחש

דיקלה הפייה (ככה את רשומה לי בטלפון ) התחלנו לפני קצת פחות מחודש הגעתי עם לב שבור ( הוא עדיין ככה) עשינו פעולות , לא מעט 🤣 ותקשורים קצרים וארוכים. תמיד כנה ואמיתית, גם אם פחות נעים לשמוע, תמיד סבלנית ומכילה למרות שמשגעת אותך מלא 🤣🤣 היום בתקשור הקצר ממש שימחת אותי וראינו שהלחשים מתחילים לעבוד 💪🏼 מה שנותר לי זה לחכות בסבלנות לתוצאה שאנחנו מחכות לה ואין לי ספק שהיא תגיע... מבטיחה לעדכן ותודה שאת איתי יד ביד לאורך הדרך המשוגעת הזאת תודה עלייך See Translation

Dikla the fairy (this is how you are listed on my phone) We started a little less than a month ago I came with a broken heart (it's still like that) We did actions, quite a few 🤣 and short and long communications. Always honest and true, even if it's less pleasant to hear, always patient and accommodating even though she drives you completely crazy 🤣🤣 Today in the short communication you made me really happy and we saw that the spells are starting to work 💪🏼 What remains for me is to wait patiently for the result we are waiting for and I have no doubt that it will come... I promise to update And thank you for being with me hand in hand along this crazy road Thank you for you

מעקב אחר הלחש

תודה רבה! על היחס הטוב אין עליך מעריכה See Translation

Thank you very much! You have no appreciation for the good attitude

מעקב אחר הלחש

דיקלה מהממת אני איתך שנים את מדהימה ❤️❤️ See Translation

Dikla is stunning, I have been with you for years, you are amazing ❤️❤️

מעקב אחר הלחש

אמאלה איזה כלי נדיר התקשור מעקב אחר לחש, עשינו לחש לפני חצי שנה וביקשתי לדעת מה קורה בשטח, ומסתבר שהכל פועם כמו שצריך כי אצלך הכל עובד והכל חזק ! תודה דיקלה את המתנה שלי See Translation

Amala, what a rare tool for channeling and tracking a spell, we did a spell six months ago and I asked to know what was happening in the field, and it turns out that everything is pulsing as it should because with you everything works and everything is strong! Thank you Dikla for my gift

For faster results will help you too

What Is Our Compatibility Level?


What Are His True Intentions Towards Me?


What Are His Feelings Towards Me?


Questions and Answers

Channeling is the ability to communicate with spiritual entities, spirit guides, or higher souls in different dimensions beyond our physical world. It is an energetic process that allows receiving messages and insights from spiritual sources that can lead to a deeper understanding of life, help in decision-making, and provide mental and spiritual support. Channeling involves opening one’s consciousness and connecting to higher energies, requiring high sensitivity, concentration, and patience. This process can provide profound insights, solutions to questions, and a sense of clarity.
Yes, anyone can learn to channel, but it requires practice and proper guidance. Like any talent, everyone has the potential, but the degree to which one succeeds depends on personal awareness, determination, and the desire to connect to the spiritual world. Some individuals may feel strong channeling abilities from a young age, while others develop them over time through studies and professional guidance.
Channeling and fortune-telling can be performed using different tools and people, but there is a significant difference between them. Fortune-telling focuses on predicting future events and answering the question “What will happen?” while channeling focuses on receiving guidance and insights from spiritual sources to improve the present and work on spiritual and personal development. Channeling is guided by the intention to provide you with tools and understandings to enhance your life in balance and emotion.

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